Sunday, 24 May 2009


I haven't posted for a while (slap on the wrist) but tonight I saw something that I thought was totally magical. It was a baby fox. But I didn't see it once but twice. Twice it jumped out of the hedge in front of my car. He (I don't know if it was a he or a she) turned looked at me and then ran along the road looking for somewhere safe to escape to. It was wonderful.


  1. Awwhh! He's beautiful! I often smell the foxes around the lanes here but have only seen one once - walking brazenly through the housing estate on bin collection day!

  2. Yes, slap on the wrist, good to see you bringing your beautiful Clunbury back to life!

    Carole xx

  3. What a lovely picture. I have seen foxes in the middle of Derby its lovely to see one in the country.

    Glad to see you back.

    Best wishes

